Monday, October 10, 2011

First Weblog Post

If I decide to keep this up you're going to see a lot of stuff here. I have a lot of interests. Politics, cooking, keeping my family together, my dogs, music, sports, literature, poetry & writing.

I want to start off by posting something I wrote as a league manager note for my fantasy football league. and a couple of other things that go a bit toward explaining how I think and how I see the world and how I write.

LM Note:

The Magic Projector
I think the worst thing to ever happen to fantasy football is the
advent of projections. The interesting thing about projections is that
they are wrong nine out of ten times that means on a team with eight
players you're pretty much guaranteed that your projections are not
going to happen.
Where is this magic projector? Why is it broken? Who is the monkey
turning the crank? Why do all these websites and publications pay good
money to ferry these shabby little numbers to through the endless
undulating seas of the interweb?
The matter about as much european status reports (Roy will get that
one... if he reads this... do any of you read it?).
I have a lot of questions today. Probably because I've been readying
the short stories of Donald Barthelme one of which, called 'The
Bodyguard' is written almost completely in questions.
It goes a bit like this:
Does Tony Romo realize that running the ball results in an absorption
of game time? Does Jason Garrett? Do they know the Lions are one of
the best Defenses in the league? Did they last week? Is Jerry Jones
pissed off? Does Jason Garrett know what a running back does? Does
Tony Romo? Does Tony Romo understand that he is not Joe Montana? Does
he understand that he's not Matt Stafford? Does Mark Sanchez? Does
Mark Sanchez realize he's not Cade McNown? Why is Mark Sanchez still
playing in the NFL?
god he sucks.
Anyway the deal is the projector is broken, projections are useless
beyond words and that is why I'm running Stevan Ridley this weekend my
projection is that he's going to get between fifteen and twenty
Oh hell there's an idea? Why not give a five point bracket that a
player may get then these projection things might be right more than
once a week per team.
Go to work owners, the time is now.

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